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CQC Portal Application 8 Stages

CQC Portal Registration 8 Stages

Your application to be a registered provider has to be submitted on the CQC Online portal. Your application will be made up of eight stages highlighted below:

Stage 1 (Who)

Requires you to provide information about your organisation (trading name , structure etc) including contact details.

Stage 2 (What)

Requires you to specify the regulated activities you want to provide and register. You will also be required to identify the nominated individual for each of the regulated service you want to provide. You are expected to enter the contact details, date of birth, DBS Number of the nominated individual.

Stage 3 (Where)

Here you will need to identify the locations you want to register (the location where the service is managed from). You then identify and add the registered manager here.

Stage 4 (When)

You then identify your start date. The CQC advise here that it normally takes ten weeks to process applications. Choose a realistic date as you are not allow to deliver regulated services when you are not yet registered.

Stage 5 (How)

You then make five statements highlighting how your service is going to be safe, effective, caring, responsiveness and well-led. You will also be expected to complete a supporting notes section. You are given up to 500 characters (714 words and 1250 words) for each section.

Stage 6 (Documents)

You will be required to submit your statement of purpose, governance, and registered manager supporting document. You will also be expected to upload quality management, safeguarding and evidence supporting how you will deliver your care service. There is an option to submit planning permission and building regulation documents if applicable.

Stage 7 (Review)

This is an outline of all information you have input and saved on the service. It is an opportunity to make changes or confirm what you have already saved on the portal.

Stage 8 (Declaration)

You then consent to information submitted being processed by the CQC. You then declare that you are authorised to submit the application on behalf of the organisation. Towards the bottom of the application you can then invite the person whom you want to be your registered manager to make their application.

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