CQC Registered Manager Application Help and Support

Ethical CQC registered manager application support and help for the first time applicant. For new providers, you need to complete the provider application first before the registered manager application.
Caretips can assist with completing and submitting your provider and registered manager application within seven working days. Our CQC registration service for both the provider and registered manager starts from £500 inclusive.
To become a CQC registered manager, there are certain requirements and steps that need to be followed. There is no quick cqc registered manager checklist of requirements as the role comes with a lot of responsibility and accountability. As a minimum you need to provide evidence of relevant qualifications and experience in the care sector, completing an application process with the CQC, and demonstrating your ability to meet regulations including quality and safety.
Becoming a registered manager with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) is an important step towards ensuring high-quality care and support for vulnerable individuals. As a CQC registered manager, you will play a crucial role in overseeing the delivery of safe, effective, and compassionate care within your organisation. You are only required to apply to become a CQC registered manager if you intend to provide regulated activities such as personal care. If your organisation's sole duty is to mainly supply workers to other care providers there might be no need to seek CQC registration. In this case, you are classified as an employment agency which falls outside CQC regulations.
We recommend you to apply on the CQC portal rather than sending your application by email or post. To gain access to the online registered manager application you need to complete the registered provider application first. When you complete the provider application you will have the opportunity to access your registerted manager application under step 8 (Declaration). You will need to be invited to complete the registered manager application by clicking the "Invite RMs to make their applications".

Your application will require you to choose your intended regulated activity, identifying your service location and contact details, providing proof of identity, full employment history (from your 16th birthday), declaration of fitness for the role, qualifications and references.

You can aso visit our CQC Provider Registration Process webpage to fully understand the registration journey which your application will take.
Before you start your registered manager application you should apply for a DBS (CQC-CE-DBS) which is counter-signed by the CQC. You can not submit the application without a DBS number.
If you are a registered practitioner of bodies such as the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC), NMAS and Social work England there is no need to have a CQC countersigned DBS as long as your certificate is dated within 12 months.
The CQC have not been consistent with their approach and requirements for DBS Checks. There have been recent cases when the CQC have rejected third-party DBS Checks from registered nurses and social workers. In this case they have insisted on their own counter-signed DBS Check to facilitate registered managers registration.
How to get a CQC Countersigned DBS Check for your registered manager application?You need to use this CQC DBS Application link to register for a DBS Check. After you complete the application you will then be sent account details to fully apply for your DBS.
We advise you to apply for a DBS that covers both Adults and children. If you later decide to look after children the CQC will request another DBS that confirms you have been checked to work with children.
On the CQC DBS Application portal you need to confirm which documents you will use to prove your identify and home address. A confirmation letter is then generated with a bar-code stating the documents you have highlighted. You will need to produce the documents to a Post Office that countersign documents on behalf of the CQC.
Take the letter, supporting documents and your fee of £55 to conclude the DBS application process. A CQC countersigned DBS will be valid for up to a year from the date highlighted on the certificate.
DBS Check requirements for nominated individualsThe CQC requires a valid DBS Check for nominated individuals. This DBS Check does not need to be coutersigned by the CQC. The CQC will accept any DBS check that is dated within a year.