CQC Notice of Proposal (Enforcement Actions, Warning notices and Representations)
Have you been served a CQC Notice of proposal, warning or enforcement? Do not panic and worry. You should not under any circumstances ignore or bury your head under the sand. Time is of the essence to increase the chances of the decision being turned around. Caretips will assist you with making CQC Representations with honest advice and a clear action plan that can be used to address the concerns of the CQC. You have the right to appeal within deadlines. All parts of the evidence against you will require addressing and supported by tangible evidence.
Caretips will assist you with confidential crisis management, advice and guidance to get your service out of special measures back to compliance. We apply a holistic approach to address all issues identified including supervising the management and training.
All Caretips services are based on ethical values where we assess and are open and honest with our interventions. We will assist you to assess the significance of the enforcement action. We will then work with you to come up with a clear evidence-based SMART representation action plan which will address all the concerns highlighted by the CQC. Remember the CQC are not interested in empty promises but concrete plans which are specific, time-sensitive and reduce the risk of harm while addressing all concerns fully. All interventions will need to be evidence-based.
Your representations need to demonstrate you fully understand and address the gravity of the concerns highlighted. If this is not taken seriously you might end up even convincing the CQC you or your service is not fit to deliver regulated services. Your representation will end up being counter-productive and even add to the evidence against you.
Caretips will not be hesitant to advise you to seek alternative legal services if the case is complicated or already going through litigation. You should be ready and willing to follow through with any of the recommendations from our consultants as we aim to get your management and organisation to be back in a position of good standing with the CQC. Our service starts from £160.