Case Study One
We worked with Miriam (not her real name) who wanted to set up a domiciliary care service. Miriam is a registered nurse, who was well versed with the care side of her organisation but had short comings on the business side. We provided guidance to Miriam regarding how to advertise, manage her service and meet compliance requirements from recruitment to delivery.
She had a lot of experience when it comes to actual care but had a serious oversight when it comes to sourcing contracts and quality care workers. We assisted her with brand identity, marketing the business, negotiating contracts, tendering, quality assurance and implementing a continuity plan.
She was able to respond to local conditions, work against the challenges such as a shortage of care workers.
Miriam was also able to strike a balance between available resources and delivering quality care. She was able to successfully gain registration as a manager. Her organisation was also successfully registered. We remain supporting Mariam as she's trying to aim for an excellent rating.