CQC New Single Assessment Framework Inspection Toolkit

The CQC will be implementing its new Single Assessment Framework from October 2023 to all new registrations, assessments and inspections. The new CQC single assessment framework will focus on what matters to people (the lived experience of individuals and families). These will be based new on quality statements also referred to as ‘we statements’.
The five key KLOE questions have not been replaced. They have instead been incorporated as the foundation of the ‘we statements’. The we statements are designed to reflect what quality care should be like with clear links to CQC regulations.
The new cqc single assessment framework is designed to promote access to local services. The CQC will assess local services to ensure they are working well together. The single assessment framework is also designed to tackle inequalities by assessing that everyone has equal access, experiences and outcomes from health and social care services. As a result through "We statements" this serves as a guide to what providers should be doing to deliver high-quality care. It also clearly outlines the responsibilities and obligations of providers towards individuals receiving care.
Under the new CQC New Single Assessment Framework it is important for all stakeholders including commissioners, providers, service users, families, friends, and unpaid carers - to work collaboratively towards providing high-quality care that meets the needs of individuals.
Collaboration between commissioners and care providers is vital in creating a culture of openness and working in partnership. By working together, they can ensure that liberty is protected, safety is prioritised, and risk assessments are conducted effectively.
Effective care should involve individuals who use services, their families, friends, and others in the decision-making processes. This involvement promotes choice and ensures that the needs and preferences of individuals receiving care are taken into account.