Site Membership and Support

Caretips membership site provides a number of services to care providers with services supporting your business and carers. This includes practical advice with business development, career development and quality assurance. The membership site is also open to careworkers who want to enhance their knowledge and understanding of working ethically, safely, effectively and caring.
Member Benefits include:
- + on-going support where you can ask questions and get responses from any of our consultants about any care matter.
- + access to online information, advice and guidance.
- + access to business development opprtunities.

- + access to continuous development opportunities.
- + support with qualifications such as leadership and management.
- + resources to assist with quality assurance for your business.
- + tips regarding navigating a fit person interview.
- + tips to keep most business services in house.
- + networking with others.
- + discounts for members.
- + support with compliance.
- + promotion of healthy styles and being environmental friendly.

Our members also benefit from discounts on our range of premium services including consultancy, mentoring, tenders, web promotion, promotional materials, tutorials, policies and templates. Our membership fee is only £8.99 per month.