Starting a Care Business

Running a care business can both be rewarding and lucrative. It is one of those areas where you give back to the community and make a difference in people's lives. From a business sense, it is also one of those areas that will always have demand due to the aging population of the United Kingdom and people living longer.
Domiciliary (Home Care Business)
Starting a Starting a domiciliary care business also known as home care is a good option. You can start your care business offering non-regulated services such as support work. We however recommend you aim to deliver regulated activities and be registered with the CQC. This will enable you to remain supporting your clients when their needs change. This will also result in consistency otherwise you will be risking being just a feeder organisation where clients will go elsewhere as soon as they identify providers offering a range of services. Local authorities, clients and families and friends are most likely to trust you when you are registered by the CQC.
You can operate as a sole trader, limited company, partnership or other legal entity. There are advantages and disadvantages of trading under different status. The majority of organisations however operate as a limited company. You need to carry out market research including finding out about local demands, costs, prices and wages. It will be wise to find out information about tenders. You can approach local authority commissioners about opportunities available. This will help you to demonstrate the work you would have done in particular when it comes to finding out the viability of your business. You need to carry out all administration preparations including arranging suitable premises and crafting policies and procedures that address all regulations in place.
Ensure you have a plan in place for recruiting, training and growing the business. Do not rush or work beyond your ability and capacity. This is how many care organisations fail when they try to grow too quickly.
Ensure you put quality care and professionalism at the heart of your service. Everyone including clients and workers will need to be involved as much as possible when it comes to shaping your service delivery. It is key that everybody has an idea of your procedures, rights and responsibilities. Their input will be good evidence towards any future inspections with the CQC.